Monday, November 4, 2013

The End

"What happened to the countdown? Why is there no new content on Will's WCC Blog? Doesn't he know that the season is just around the corner? This time last year there were multiple new articles each day! What in the world is happening here?!" 

- My Readers

First of all, I hope that's what my readers have been saying. Second, I hope I have readers to say things like that. Third, even if nobody has said that, it is a good observation. Why has this site fallen dormant over the past couple of weeks?

There is a very good reason for the lack of updates... I'm done updating this site.

It's been a great two season run of writing about the West Coast Conference, but now, it's time to abandon Will's WCC Blog. Well, actually just abandon the site. I'm moving to a bigger, better site that is all my own. That's right, no more! No more restrictive publishing ability! No more limited layout options (assuming I learn CSS)!

I've still been writing articles, season previews and analyzing season previews. I just haven't been publishing them, yet. On October 6th my new site, Will's West Coast Hoops Blog, will go live. It's up right now, but there is very little on it. This Wednesday all sorts of content will roll out, all at once, in a grand opening style debut. Just in time for the 2013-2014 season!

Henceforth, Will's WCC Blog ( will serve as an archive. Anything posted here that pertains to the upcoming season, like the non-conference schedule previews, will be moved to the new site on October 6th.

Thank you to everyone who ever read, commented on or shared one of my articles. It's because of you that I am able to move on up to a real website. Please, keep reading and keep rooting for the WCC.

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